natural medicine

IN colorado


Three objectives:

  ♦ personal use

  ♦ education

  ♦ regulated access


Natural medicines have been used safely for millennia by cultures for healing.

psilocybin and psilocyn

Occur naturally in several species of fungi

A naturally occurring tryptamine.

Found in Psilocybe cubensis.



Occurs naturally in several species of cacti

A naturally occurring protoalkaloid.

Found in Echinopsis pachanoi, Echninopsis peruviana, Echninopsis lageniformis (bridgesii), Echnopsis macrogona, Echninopsis terscheckii




A naturally occurring tryptamine.

Has been used in religious ceremonies for centuries.



Apocynaceae plant family

A naturally occurring indole alkaloid.

Found in Tabernanthe iboga, Voacanga africana, and Tabernaemontana undulata
